
Welcome to 2021 everyone!

Last year was unique for our world as we all collectively felt the wrath of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the social, economic, and political ramifications of this new virus. It is comforting to know that the Jesus who brought us through 2020 will still be king in 2021!

I had the privilege to bring the message at Heights Baptist the last Sunday of this year and in that sermon I discussed the importance of doing more than just setting a resolution, but instead that we should be “resolved” to follow Christ. I think that as we dive right into this next year, we should find new “resolves” for ourselves, ways that we can strive harder in sanctification and pursue Christ in new and greater ways.

You can watch that sermon here to get a better idea of what I am talking about.

It would be hypocritical of me to talk about something like that and then do nothing, so what are some of the things I will be resolved to do? I want to share a few things that I am resolved to do this year (and every year thereafter) and I hope that they will inspire you to be motivated to write down your own “resolves” and come back to them when things get tough, remembering who it is that you are choosing to be resolved to and the riches of His grace for you.

I am resolved to be slow to anger

I do not consider myself to be a hothead by any means, but when I objectively look at myself, I can honestly say that there are things that I allow myself to become upset over that are honestly pretty ridiculous.

I am resolved to practice justice, mercy, and humility

I simply want to better embody my favorite passage from Scripture, in all that I think, say, and do;

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

Micah 6:8

I am resolved to journal my thoughts, prayers, and meditations on Christ

I’ve already started practicing this one in 2020, but I want to be more consistent with this practice. It is incredibly helpful for us to record our thoughts and prayers to look back on them later to see how the Lord has worked in our lives. There may be ways that the Lord is working that we may not have noticed or perhaps we have simply forgot about. I pray this will help cultivate a thankful heart and allow me to remember what our Savior has done in my life anew every day.

I am resolved to be in the Word daily

Hopefully, we have all been doing this one, but I want to take it a step further for myself this year. I plan on reading through the New Testament twice this year in addition to our normal read through the Bible in a year plan we take on as a church. There is no better way to draw closer to Christ than by getting into the Scriptures and I pray that my increased reading will allow me to draw closer to Him than ever before!

I am resolved to catechize my children

This is yet another resolve that I have already started in 2020, but feel that I could do better. I have been using the New City Catechism as well as some questions form John Piper’s Baptist Catechism to better suit what I want my children to memorize and assist them un understanding God’s plan. I would like to use these resources to create a catechism specifically for my family to use from this point onward.

I am resolved to communicate better with my coworkers

Communication is important in any work relationship and in ministry. Our ministry team cannot function smoothly if we are not actively building up our relationships toward Christ and praying for each other and with each other every chance we get.

I am resolved to create edifying content on my YouTube channel or FRB blogs on a consistent basis

This one easily comes down to time management. I know I can post content for the edification of the church more consistently, but my time gets away from me if I do not deliberately plan out my day. I want to be able to better edify those who choose to invest time into my ministry through reading my blog or watching my channel on a regular basis.

I hope that these examples gave you some idea of how you can be resolved and not merely set shallow resolutions this year, I know I’ve definitely had to think more deeply about my future commitments to Christ and my sanctification because of the study I put into my sermon. It is always difficult to be honest with ourselves and point out our perceived flaws, I know this post is not very easy for me. I pray that this new year brings you joy and happiness, but above all, I pray that we will grow closer to Christ, our spouses, our children, and each other in Christ’s Church.

Soli Deo Gloria,

David C. Shaw

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